A Clear Goal

I think I have figured out (not that there’s anything wrong with just enjoying it) one reason why the Olympic events ha. ve such appeal. It occurred to me right when I had switched back to Olympics coverage after hearing about the latest fudging and wavering from politicians (in this case, over a previously touted tax-sharing plan). Athletes have clear goals and do not waver from them. That’s refreshing. It’s also instructive, as well as inspiring for the rest of us. It also resonates with Biblical teaching in at least a couple of ways.

Paul the Apostle used athletic imagery in speaking of the Christian life. He spoke of pressing on toward the goal, and winning the prize (Philippians 3:12-14). There is hard work involved, but the essence of the enterprise is grace. In both spiritual and athletic life, it is a matter of making full use of what isĀ received. Both also necessarily and happily involveĀ teamwork. There is a team behind even individual events. And every Christian (and leaders especially need to acknowledge this actively) is part of a team (See, for example and especially, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31).