There are staggering numbers in circulation these days. They all represent very human COVID-19 realities: At the time of posting this, just under 3.5 million cases worldwide, and almost ¼ million deaths.
How about this. A second generation of locusts is consuming east Africa. A first generation struck a few months ago. A third is expected in June. Each generation produces 20 times the previous one. Efforts to deal with this are stifled by restrictions on activity and travel. It is said the swarms could spread to west Africa and even south Asia. In east Africa alone, 30 million people could face starvation. People. Not just numbers.
Yes, the numbers are staggering. But, in the face of all these numbers, there is one number we need to be honoured for caring about: one. We are being as Christ when we are moved by the needs of one among many. It is not just natural to be worried for your loved one in long term care, it is honourable. And we each honour ourselves, and others, with our self-care in this time, and always.