How Controlling Are You?

It has been widely reported in the last couple of days that there is now a blood test that can determine if y ou are at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The question is then asked, “Would you want to know?” Setting aside the possibility of false positives, many people apparently would say “yes,” saying it could help them and their loved ones prepare.

It might be worth pondering if you would want to know, even as an exercise in attitude toward how we feel about having control in life.  There is no point in any of us claiming that there is not some degree of control freak in us. On the other hand, I find I enjoy going to meetings more now that I am not in a position to chair them. I think one reason I like public transit is that, if anything is going to go wrong, there is nothing I can do about it anyway, so I just relax.
But knowing with some precision when someone else will have to take charge of my ordinary business of life? I honestly don’t know. But considering the question might be a way for any of us honestly to examine our issues around control in the here and now.

Bad at Home

I was in my usual coffee shop today. At the table next to me was a couple with a little girl. I guessed she would be three years old. I don’t know exactly what was going on, but the mother was getting increasingly annoyed with the girl. Dad seemed to staying out of it. Anyway, finally the mom blurted out, “Lindsay, you have to learn to behave when we are out,” The girl replied, in a very innocent-sounding voice, “Does that mean it’s OK if I’m bad at home?” Logical question! And not a whole lot different from the way we adults honestly think.