Limitless Life

I admire people who push boundaries, mostly. Athletes, artists, entrepreneurs–they all thrive on pushing the limits of what they can accomplish. And we all benefit somehow.

But there is a mindset that all there is to life is what we can accomplish in the here and now. The Easter miracle is seen as nothing more than a metaphor for going beyond ourselves, or something like that. What is missed is that at the end of what we can now see and hear and experience, there is a limit.

The Resurrection of Christ brings a new reality to this realm, breaking in from beyond and making a path toward it. In this we find life that is limitless, expressed in the here and now with limitless compassion,, limitless forgiveness, limitless love.

It is pride, the unhealthy kind, that says I will push the boundaries only of what I can do of my own strength and will, even if opening ourselves to something, someone, beyond ourselves means we experience what truly is limitless. But that would means accepting that pushing beyond boundaries as a gift. And some of us would rather stick to what we can do ourselves, thank you, even if it means we are ultimately limiting ourselves. Something to ponder seriously as we anticipate celebrating the defeat of what ultimately limits earthbound life.


Be the Story

The Lego Movie is continuing to draw big crowds. It is reported that, based on such success, Lego is planning a whole new multimedia strategy, and that they have a head start in this in that kids are drawn to the brand, eager to see what’s next.

Intriguing. Something kids (of all ages) can use to build stuff and create a story of their own in the process, are drawn to media that tells its own story, like in a movie. Maybe part of the appeal in all this is that we are the building blocks, particioants, and mind-full partners in telling a story: one that God has had in mind for all eternity, and is working out in us. It is so sas that some people demean themselves by not realizing the importance of the story, the adventure, that is their life.