Space Sharing

In a report on Cmdr Chris Hadfield’s first appearance since returning to earth, the astronaut is reported to have said that his experiences were “too good” to keep to himself. As a result, we were all blessed by his sharing on social media. ‘”There is beautiful imagery, there’s poetry in what is happening, there is purpose in what is happening,” he said. “There is beauty to it, there is hope in it and it’s an international thing.”

We  have heard much about this. What we do not hear so much is that he managed to do this sharing while not being diverted from his essential work, with which, he says, he was “very busy.” I find this to be an important challenge to our own sense of busy-ness, being caught up our own responsibilities and concerns, and not sharing, or maybe even noticing, what is of beauty in our own daily “space.” We need to notice and share what is of beauty and purpose, not just through social media, but in our daily conversations, and in thanksgiving back to the author of beauty and purpose. You don’t have to be a famous astronaut to make a difference in the day of others. And we are blessed ourselves in the process.

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