Confound the Puny-Minded

So no classroom learning in Ontario until at least September. I have to preface whatever I say here with the acknowledgment that I am long past the stage of being part of any homeschooling situation. But I hope something. Even with having the vivid memory of how exasperating, heel of the hand to one’s (own) forehead the experience could be just to ‘encourage’ one’s children through regular homework assignments, I can only try to imagine the ups and downs and more downs of what’s going on in homes these days.

But, like I said already, I can hope something–that there is actually fun happening. And part of that fun would be to experience learning, together, that isn’t just part of the curriculum, as necessary and important as that is. The something I hope has to do with what I’ve heard any good teacher say, that teaching/learning is about learning to learn, loving to learn, everything, insatiably. 

Strangely enough, this hope arose for me in hearing about what is shaping up to be a distinctly unhealthy sort of global competition over the race for, and subsequent distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine. I wonder about the scientists involved in this, more than the people pulling the power strings, whose interest is, well, power. Control. Ownership. The world of nature teaches that collaboration benefits all who collaborate. Competition may make for better figure skaters and iPads, but it’s a lousy approach to genuinely helping one another in a global crisis. 

My guess, since I don’t personally know any scientific geniuses, is that the people that really matter, at the heart of the race for a vaccine (1) have stunningly impressive minds that can focus on one specific task, and (2) have amazingly curious minds with an Olympic-level curiosity about all things, out of which their specialization has emerged. 

But when your interest is power and control, we have seen over and over in the world’s autocrats, you not only do not want to know about some things, you don’t want to know about anything except what helps with your power and control and ownership, and you actively and ruthlessly suppress anyone who dares to ask bigger questions, or offer wider and important knowledge. Scientific facts seem especially to be scorned. 

I very much doubt that anyone who grows up with a wonder-filled curiosity about all things ever gets to that sorry state. 

So, once more, I hope something; that we would trust in the wisdom of the young, and reinforce their curiosity. Just watch. Without losing any of the wonder about all things, they will latch on also to specific paths leading to great discoveries to come. This will emerge in a generation that is unleashed, we would pray, from the control of those who are both powerful and puny-minded.

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