All Times Are Interim

Yes, some people are getting very frustrated with all this, the house arrest, or whatever, in frustration, it gets called. As hokey as it may sound, I try to tell myself there is something, always, to be learned here. As, for instance in this.

About 6 or 7 weeks ago, I had a lens fall out of my glasses (thankfully, not the side with my “good” eye). Worse, the tiny little screw was gone, so I couldn’t even attempt to fix it myself, even if I had the requisite precision screwdriver, which I don’t. And it was just when everything had shut down, so an optical place was out. But the lens was for my right eye, out of which I do not see much useful anyway (because: glaucoma). So I figured I would just make do.

Just a few days ago, after six weeks, I remembered I have a perfectly good pair of backup glasses sitting in a drawer in my TV bench. Worse, I just moved here a couple of months ago, so I quite recently put them there! I am losing it. My mind is going. Such is what one thinks.

So blame it on the time. It’s this thing we’re going through. Only I suspect a lot of us–even though in our minds we know it’s happening to everyone–we find a way to take it personally. The universe has given you a demotion. You are experiencing exile in your own home. It’s biblical exile, punishment. God is getting us for something. 

But, as I understand it, even if it is some kind of exile, it is supposed to be constructive, instructive, bettering. So what am I learning that I will take with me? Not forever, maybe, but for the next stage of things, whatever shape that takes. There is no permanent state.

All times are interim. The next interim time will have its own experiences, insights to gain, and, yes, frustrations.

So maybe frustration over our when questions can be mitigated, just a bit, by attending to what we are learning. For me: Appreciation for optical places, and people who work in all kinds of helpful areas, and maybe I will learn to be a little more alert.

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