A Need for Respect

I note a report about violence against Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) drivers.  This was in the Toronto Star, but it’s not the first I’ve read or heard about this problem. There is a sign at the front of TTC buses that says at least one TTC worker is assaulted daily somewhere in the city. The notice further points out, quite rightly, that this is one too many, and those who commit such violence will be held accountable for the crime that this is, with fine, imprisonment or both, and, in all cases, a criminal record.

There seem to be people on whom it is all too convenent to take out frustations. There is a level of anger that is seen also in road rage, rudeness, and general impatience with others. This is all very wearing for everyone. On the other hand, it is really very easy and simple to practise what another “r” word (other than rudeness) represents: Respect. “Show proper respect to everyone” (1 Peter 2:17).

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