Making Sense of Instructions

Outline of message for Sunday, January 27, 2013, at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Ajax, Ontario
Psalm 19; Luke 4:14-21
Making Sense of Instructions

Following instructions, say, to put together exercise equipment, can take a lot of patience. Most of would recognize, however, that the project would be even more difficult and frustrating without those instructions. Thinking a bit more deeply, we might even see the instructions we encounter as a sign of our interdependece–a good thing. Furthermore, you survive getting through an assemble-at-home project, remembering what the intention of it is.

God’s instructions are meant for our benefit, and for our freedom. When we give attention to God’s intentions, we will see the benefit of his instructions.

The first section of Psalm 19 celebrates that all of nature gives glory to God. His universe even communicates with humanitym and we have a special place in God’s design and plans. In the second half of the Psalm, the heavenly language is experienced more specifically and practically as God’s law. The Psalmist recognizes his life will have order and beauty if he follows thse instructions, recognizing the intentions of God. But since we can never follow God’s law perfectly and be fit for his eternal presence, Jesus has paid the price for our sins.

We now follow God’ s law in response to and in keeping with the new life Christ has made possible. We live a life of discovery, freedom, and with a whole new identity, in Christ.

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