Prescription: Wonder

It’s a wonder. Astronomers have discovered a black hole that has no business being as big as it is, being the type formed by the collapse of a star. There are much larger, supermassive black holes, but they are formed differently.

Scientusts are excited. It even sounds like they delight in the challenge of reassessing models of how things work.

Meanwhile, there are those of us who are supposed to be specialists in awe and wonder as people of faith. What people encounter too often in the faith community, however, is anxiety, and, tragically, turfism and control issues. Church is rightly concerned about management issues and organizational trends of demise. B&B, Blame and Battles, often ensue. Familiar approaches seem only to accelerate the negative trend.

There is hopeĀ  however, and lots of it. Where is the wonder, shared awe and wonder, at what it is all about? It is ever present.

Start with the wonder of God and Creation, including you and me. Other things (and yes they warrant careful attention) will find their rightful and appropriate place.

Some would find it deliciously ironic that people of God might well re-learn wonder from the realm if science.

1 Corinthians 2:9