Creating Summer, Sort Of



“It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter” (Psalm 74:17 NIV).

It is almost “officially” spring. Today (above photo just taken) there is a mix of freezing rain, snow, and ice pellets. Personally, I find very appealing the proposal, reported today in a Canadian Press article, for a 365 day a year, retractable roof summer theme park for Toronto. If imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery, or sincere praise, maybe the Lord wouldn’t mind if we imitate his work just a bit -:)

Nearby Unexplored Universe

There is exciting news for those who like to explore–vicariously at least–parts previously unknown to them. Apparently the big bang theory has been reinforced with a new discovery that is said to give a new window on the beginning of the universe. If you would like a view of something remarkable a little cliser to your space-time locationm there is now available a Street View opportunity to raft the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.

But if we believe this–“Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves” (Rom. 12:10 NIV)–then there is a universe to be explored that is very close indeed. It is by trying to see the universe around you through the eyes of someone nearby. It is an important and revealing adventure. We just have to ask ourselves  honestly if we really want to see things through someone else’s eyes. But it could be a great personal breakthrough.

How Controlling Are You?

It has been widely reported in the last couple of days that there is now a blood test that can determine if y ou are at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The question is then asked, “Would you want to know?” Setting aside the possibility of false positives, many people apparently would say “yes,” saying it could help them and their loved ones prepare.

It might be worth pondering if you would want to know, even as an exercise in attitude toward how we feel about having control in life.  There is no point in any of us claiming that there is not some degree of control freak in us. On the other hand, I find I enjoy going to meetings more now that I am not in a position to chair them. I think one reason I like public transit is that, if anything is going to go wrong, there is nothing I can do about it anyway, so I just relax.
But knowing with some precision when someone else will have to take charge of my ordinary business of life? I honestly don’t know. But considering the question might be a way for any of us honestly to examine our issues around control in the here and now.

You Are Not Your Own

You are not your own. This can be bad. This can be good. Let’s start with the bad.

We are not our own when we are complacent about government surveillance that gathers all the information about us that it can, just because it might be useful someday. I came across the phrase, “You are not your own” in a piece about “Optic Nerve,” which gathered millions of stills from web cam chats between 2008 and 2010.

And now for the good: “You are not your own; you were bought at a price” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). The Apostle Paul is talking here about the use of our bodies, but from a broader perspective it is good to know that there is one who already knows all about us, and wants only the best for us.