Right now the way along this “greenbelt” isn’t terribly green. They say there is beauty in everything, but it’s a little hard to see it here – I guess unless you get right down and marvel at the movement of awaking bugs andvthe like. But I can, at least, see in it what is to be. In the next few weeks things will get greener and greener. Some people look at their path right now and find it looks drab and dismal; in fact they might not see a path at all, at least not to anywhere good. We need to pray for them to experience Easter, and that we might find the way to share it.
Month: March 2013
Maundy Thursday
May any who have lost their way, or who are in danger of doing so, be touched by the one who sacrificed himself for us, to be the Way of Life.
He Disallows Indifference
This Sunday, March 17, at St. Andrew’s in Ajax, we’ll be looking at John 12:1-8. It tells of the outrageous pouring of perfume on Jesus. Outrageous? It was Judas, yes that Judas, who objected to this, and he may have had a point, on the surface of things. He just made his point out of the wrong motive, and did not, perhaps could not, perceive what was really happening. The whole episode shows that the very presence of Jesus brings strong reaction. His very presence disallows indifference, especially concerning who he is, as well as the things he cares about. So part of what we will explore is how is Jesus present today, and where is that kind of reaction to him?
Social Medium
I took this shot this afternoon near where I live in Ajax. Before very long, the snow will be gone, and the ground will be dry enough for human activity to return to this setting. Teams of various ages will be on the field, developing skills, learning teamwork, and building memories. Then there are those who will park themselves on these benches, some of whom may be reconvening from the hockey arena. In other words, what you see here is not just a baseball field, but a social medium. Maybe the social media we tend to think of–online–are best thought of as extensions and supplements to the physical spaces where we (continue to, I hope) meet and interact.